Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Logitech Elite Driver

Hi, I wanted to apologize for having left the blog these days, but the trip to Madrid has been exhausting ...

Anyway, I've recharged the batteries and I'll talk a little about what has been the weekend and during these weeks I'll show you the collections that I really liked!

As I had mentioned, I accompanied my friend Elena in the whole trip, so Friday afternoon will be dedicated to go shopping in downtown Madrid and night we went with some friends and went to the disco Paddock, located on the Paseo Recoletos.

The Saturday was a busy day in Cibeles, to talk on the Fiona Ferrer Dona and I stand by the night we move Elena and I to Fortuny, the party Quedada bloggers.
(Leaving the two back, to see if we recognize)
And Sunday morning at the flea market and the Latin and later in retirement and a wonderful tour of Serrano ...

But let's talk about both of us and to reveal many details and I'll show you the collection that I liked most about the parade on Friday ... Undoubtedly
Juan Duyos is my favorite!
I really like the air that has given the collection, we are flung into the 60's.
Impressive combination of different textures in the same look ... certainly something shiny!
Duyos commitment to combination of pink and red, we have seen stomping collection for spring / summer and to me personally every time I like ... and did not rule creating a basic look!
Gloves also stand out among his designs, vibrant colors stand out on their parts!
And if I have to point out something this marvelous fabric in tile tone ... I especially love the color scheme with green skirt and gloves mustard!
And these wonderful dresses with handkerchief head are so authentic, I have marveled ...
A treat to behold, is not it?
What you think about the library Duyos?
Photos: web Yo Dona.

Tomorrow is the deadline for drawing Alouette at 12 am, and I have more than 200 participants, so many thanks to all and good luck!
wanted to thank the more than 400 fans and the many visits I've had the weekend ... And especially to my friend Elena, for joining in the experience!

Happy Tuesday!


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