Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Many Grams In The Big Everyday Minerals


Finally spring is here and not know about you, but I wait with open arms ... This winter the hunter and my parka Bimba Lola last season have been with me in a row, so to see if the weather gives us a break and may start to appear spring clothes! In addition this season is full of color and explosive mixtures ... And that I love!
But first, I have to start putting order in my closet (I'm listening to my father speak ...) and when I start to change in season can reach chaotic ... The other day I read an interview with Michael and said something very wise that can be applied to all of our closets ... "let out, before entering." So that idea is I want This in my closet and I decided to create outfits by mixing and matching other seasons with other new and one result has been!

I rescued my beloved denim jacket from a few seasons ago Zara!
And also, I unearthed a bib necklace and bracelet that I like a lot ... Are of the firm Yokana (last season) and I think this summer will not be separated from me! The bracelet was a real bargain in the sales of last summer ...

To complete the look two new purchases! That I'm super satisfied and its price has been pretty good ... The pants are from H & M, I loved your color! They are very comfortable and fit great!
And the scarf is Zara's new season! I have to admit that the store was a bit torn between the turquoise and pink with purple polka dots (if you want to see what has Chiara and the way you look his blog that I like every day, who could have their closet ...). But in the end, as you can see, she came with me to the blue house.

What do you think the look you've created?

Do you like this mix of colors?

añadiríais or quitaríais What?
Good start to the week for everyone and many thanks for all the comments you left in the last post!


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