Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fireplace Mantel Blue Prints

Re-design of the site is free Linux v4

Taking into account all the suggestions I received, I decided to try another design for Linux is free for both the logo to the home page.
To create this new design I based on this template: Modifications

  1. Links : I divided the links into two groups, the most general in top menu and the most specific a menu located below header.
    The menu is generally higher than the other menu. Also the font size is slightly larger.
    Each menu is separated from the other by a vertical bar
  2. Header: comprises the logo , a list of what the site offers Linux is free and a search form , which will I removed the option to choose between searching the web or the site, was to find within the site only. Logo
  3. : I gave greater prominence to the name Linux is Free , I used a clear and simple typography. I placed a standard tux (which would have to modify it is related to Linux is free). I included the slogan of the site in an informal font. Content
  4. : now located on the left, without using boxes as in the other design
  5. Links
  6. other forms : located on the right side.
  7. Colors: main colors the page are: blue, white and gray, almost white. The intention is to convey the feeling of freedom, peace. The predominant colors in the logo are blue and orange, blue is associated with the technical [1] and orange with the warmth and joy. [2]

I invite you to see the new design

Nuevo diseño de la página Linux es Libre


[2] -1

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Can I Unblock Runescape

Re-design of the site is free Linux v3

According to other suggestions the group Linux is Free, I made the corresponding changes:

  1. Lack of legibility of text links holders: I suggest changing the font chosen, then I realized that I had chosen font and showed no which is the default. For the whole body of the page family chose Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif which is what the site is currently ...
  2. Lack of a link to the forum : I added the link under the subscription to the group as it is currently on the site . So

is running the Linux homepage is Free hope

comments, suggestions ...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Is Chlordiazep ?

Site Re-design v2

According to some suggestions I changed the colors of the site, I modified the look of the links and relocate some areas (boxes).
This is the new design (only tested in Firefox)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Free Mcq In Dentistry With Answers

Linux is Free Site Redesign Linux Free

I'm working on redesigning the site Linux is free.
In previous postings I showed the sketches made in Inkscape and Gimp . In these days I began to create the page in html and css, using the principle Kompozer Cssed then (a css editor I found in the Synaptic package manager). Modifications

When you start to shape the changes arose page:
- two-column design : with advertisements placed in a row below the main navigation bar.
- Search Form : I included the options of searching the web or the site.
- Colors: Page background

  • : very light gray

  • funds contained o:

  • gray background boxes : white

  • boxes headers, header main and footer: dark pink background

  • navigation bar: dark grayish pink

  • Link: bold dark pink

  • visited Link: dark pink without bold

  • Link on
  • you pass the mouse : bold sized dark pink

Al formated

new design also did it in Inkscape and I find it easier to locate each item. Then, in html, I created the corresponding div and it includes a page css formatting through id and / or class. Now to test fast incorporated into the html css directly.
For rounded corners used the following properties, not visible in IE:

  • -moz-border-radius-topLeft: 15px;

  • -moz-border-radius-topright: 15px;

  • -moz-
  • border-radius-bottomRight: 15px;

  • -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 15px;

That's leaving the master page in html and css.
This is seen in Firefox, I have not tested on other browsers:

Standards and accessibility

While the colors I chose and would interest me meeting the special accessibility guidelines provide a good contrast, but I do not know if I succeed. It is still good page to not have the style sheet, some objects are in any place and does not distinguish the principal tilulos, you may need to use the hx titles because they use their own styles. Some links on accessibility
I'm considering:
- Accessibility Guidelines -
Group DIM - Documents for accessible design of Web content
- How to tell if your site is accessible on the other hand
I am also trying to respect the W3C web standards , giving the format an external css file, among others.

PS: I modified the css and included hx to improve the appearance of the page if it displays the style sheet.

Halloween Costumes For When Your On Crutches

* Report on the case of rabbits * IMAGES * STRONG *

Posted in Facebook
in Sweden are a scourge that destroys the parks, officials say. But not everyone agrees on the treatment.
The use of rabbits to produce biofuel remains split the opinion of the inhabitants of Stockholm, the Swedish capital.

According a local newspaper reported, thousands of rabbits are used as fuel for a plant that feeds the heating system of the city.

Every year thousands of rabbits are slaughtered in Stockholm to protect parks and green spaces.

The rabbits are not native of Sweden, are the offspring of pets that their owners released into the city. According to authorities, these animals are destroying the parks of the capital.

Because they have no natural predator, the city administration employs a group of hunters to kill them. Tommy

Tuvunger, one of these hunters, told the German newspaper Spiegel last year killed about 6,000 rabbits, and this year about 3,000.

"They are a big problem," said Tuvunger. "Once you kill them, keep them in a freezer and when we join enough, a contractor comes and takes them," he added.

frozen rabbits are transferred to a heating plant in Karlskoga, where they are burned to generate heat, which is then distributed by the houses of the city. Dual function

Leo Virta, director of Konvex, the company delivers supplies to the plant, told the BBC that has developed Konvex a new way of processing animal waste with European Union funds.

Through this process, says Virta, pounded the raw animal carcasses and then place them inside a boiler. There are burned with wood chips and peat to produce renewable energy.

"It's a good system because it solves the problem of how to dispose of animal waste while generating heat," says Vita.

However, the reaction was not unanimous, said James Savage, editor of local newspaper in Stockholm.

"In the city where the burn, people did not bother," Savage told the BBC. "But in Stockholm, people have other attitude, where rabbits are considered pets 'soft'. "

" Advocates for animal rights also believe that this is no way to treat them, "Savage concluded.
Taken from BBC

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Aging Female Genitalia:

HA903 Creating a banner among all

concluded the last task in the course HA903, which was to create, among all participants, a banner and a poster for two activities to be developed under the 2009 edusol .
- For install is not enough basic course GNU / Linux for non-technical people
- Day free education and culture, pre-face talks edusol.
After several exchanges and co-participation of some finished the two proposals:

installed is not enough because

Banner advertisement Banner encuentro Edusol 2009 Porque instalar no es suficiente: curso basico de GNU/Linux
Afiche encuentro Edusol 2009 Porque instalar no es suficiente: curso basico de GNU/Linux Day

education and free culture

Banner encuentro Edusol 2009 Dia de la educacion y la cultura libre: Charlas presenciales previas al Edusol Banner advertisement

meeting <br /> edusol 2009 Poster Day of education and free culture: pre-face talks edusol

Monday, August 31, 2009

Dragon Ball Bulma Episodes

End HA903 Creating a banner to all Guides

A new task HA903 course, proposes to create, among all participants, a banner and a poster for two activities to be developed under the 2009 edusol :
- Because installed is not enough basic course GNU / Linux for non-technical people
- Day free education and culture, pre-face talks edusol. Assemble

banner proposals from the contributions of Amanda and Marc.
Marcela took the banner which is made in Inkscape and started to flesh out the fonts, from my humble knowledge on the subject.
also reworked the texts taking into account the banner of Amanda and she took the phrase included in your banner. Remove
web address of course because I think it is of most and that clicking on the banner is supposed to write down the direction of the course.
As for colors :
- I put the typography in black, what color will not look good ...
- I set the background color chosen by Marcela because I do not know that color can be ...
- To color "edusol 2009" take edusol color logo.
- For the color I chose silhouettes shades of gray, but I think you should choose another color and shapes that make reference to non-technical people to potential participants and I think the gray is not good, do not know ...

I made several versions:
- only with text and logo edusol
Banner para el curso básico de GNU/Linux, Porque instalar no es suficiente, dirigido a personas no técnicas.

Banner para el curso básico de GNU/Linux, Porque instalar no es suficiente, dirigido a personas no técnicas.
- with characters created by Marc but in silhouette:
Banner para el curso básico de GNU/Linux, Porque instalar no es suficiente, dirigido a personas no técnicas.

Banner para el curso básico de GNU/Linux, Porque instalar no es suficiente, dirigido a personas no técnicas.

Banner para el curso básico de GNU/Linux, Porque instalar no es suficiente, dirigido a personas no técnicas.

I hope I have made some contribution to the creation of the banner, though, new ideas to continue working together. ..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Marlin 30 30 Microgroove

introduction to Gimp and Inkscape

To assist with the free courses Linux is free, armé two basic notes to start using Gimp and Inkscape , which include basic and further links for each topic (tutorials, lists, manuals , HA903 course, etc.). It is geared for those who have very little knowledge on each program. They are in three formats for download: odt, pdf and html file compressed in a tar.gz Hope opinions and suggestions.
Getting Started in image editing with Gimp :
  • Installing Gimp.
  • A tour of the working environment and each tool. Toolbox
  • Layers
  • Open Image Save an image
  • View image properties
  • Resize (width, height)
  • Modify Modify resolution
  • weight
  • Lighten / Darken
  • image
  • Apply some filters
  • Links to keep learning more
Getting Started in editing vector graphics with Inkscape
  • Installing Inkscape. Tour
  • work environment
  • Create a document.
  • Open a document.
  • Save a document.
  • Export to bitmap.
  • basic management objects.
  • Create a Card: White and black
    • : Select and transform, Text, Outline, Align and distribute rows and columns.
    • A color: Fill. Contour.
    • With Objects: Lines. Forms. Images.
  • Links to continue learning

Friday, July 31, 2009

Lincoln Nicknamed Africanus Negative Or Positive

HA903 Designing a Web Version 2 HA903

According to suggestions from the list linuxeslibre made some modifications to the previous design :
  • I cleared the gray boxes,
  • darkened the blue-green header boxes. I applied this same color at the bottom of main header where the logo.
  • Replace asterisks with circles for bullets in the news.

boceto del aspecto de la pagina principal del sitio Linux es Libre

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raw Gums Post Tooth Extraction

Designing a web self

for ten days or so I made a sketch redesigning the web site home page using Linux is Free Inkscape and Gimp. I also made a preliminary redesign of the logo.
This activity corresponds to the second alternative proposal as a final activity of the current quarter and also HA903 did it as a way to collaborate with the community Linux is free.
For the redesign, I relied on the appearance of the homepage of the day July 17, 2009, clarified because Linux is Free website is in continuous development and updating.
This was the sketch of the new design:
boceto del aspecto de la pagina principal del sitio Linux es Libre

Description Looking at the homepage of Linux is Free, I believe that a reorganization is needed of information for easier navigation by users, says jEsuSdA in Article "that users find what they are looking for comfort and ease to navigate through the page."
Once I decided to split the data into three columns, I looked for designs templates for Blogger and found three, which have guided me to create my own site design.
1. Fervens
Plantilla llamada Fervens, diseñada por Design Disease, adaptada para Blogger por BlogandWeb 2. Magzmo
Plantilla para Blogger llamada Magzmo 3. O2
Plantilla llamada o2. Esta basada en el theme para wordpress “O2” de Eches, adaptado para Blogger por BlogandWeb

Procedure In Gimp, I realized a screenshot of the page, cut out each piece of content and images saved as independent, ie, documents, logo, date, welcome, ring, Google search, Google Groups, friends' websites, links horizontal, vertical links, etc. In
Inkscape, I imported each image created in Gimp . I began to re-locate them, to distribute in the first, second and third columns, to decide which rule out considering it duplicate content, etc.
Organizando cada sector de información en Inkscape del sitio web Linux es Libre In another new document, I began to create the sketch :
- Using modified rectangles Edit Nodes tool ... to locate the information.
- Bringing back the text with the text tool .
- Re-designing the forms for the search and the Google Group. In Gimp : cut out the buttons and Search Subscribe and the Google logo I took off the bottom. I kept them as separate png images. In Inkscape , imports, I placed them in place and added the text .
- For friends pages, I thought it would be better and easier to create text-only links.
- Customize the look for "Check your current IP and your connection speed, where I extended the color background Gimp, saved it as an image. The importer and he joined text Inkscape.
- redesigned the logo (as explained in another posting)
- Choose and apply color to recangulos and the plain text and links.

I hope I have provided for ease of reading the page.

now only remains for the community of Linux is Free see him, I think, make the changes that are required and can implement it using CSS .

Monday, July 20, 2009

Images Getty Images Watermark

Courses: Moodle and Squeak

On Monday July 22 I enrolled in a course of self Moodle created by Iris Fernández . I'm also
other course of self Squeak, created for her. I do not remember when I started, but I did some interesting things since I had no idea of \u200b\u200bSqueak. Today I left a little squeak, but I will return soon.

Self-training course in Moodle

What I did until now, using the guidelines created by Iris and reading help from Moodle. Here the links:

1. Enter the course platform: Platform


Steps to enter self Group: Moodle

2. Create a platform moodle in a free hosting platform
Create Key to School

3. Change the default language: English.
Change the language of a platform Moodle Key to School

4. Create categories to organize courses

5. Create a course in Moodle

6. Set a course

5. Modify the theme of the platform: I agreed to
Administration / Appearance / Themes / Theme Selector
and choose a theme that I liked.

6. Now I would like to learn to change the subject. Some points that interests me are: a.
Modify header logo
b. Modify the design Main page

These two links I have not even read in their entirety or I have put into practice.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Simi Garewal Bathing Mera Naam Joker

Gimp - Management HA903

I noticed that people who are new to Gimp, has experience in other programs of the same type or not occur to them that are lost or are baffled as to have an image open and then open another, it is located behind of which is already open ... the easiest would be to stand in front ...
I looked for solutions on File / Preferences, I agreed to Window Management and Window Manager Hints, Hints for both toolbox and Hints for other recessed, select Maintenance on top. Rebooted Gimp. I tried and there was no change in the windows, only the toolbox and any dialog box is always up, even when triggered another window that is not Gimp, for example the web browser .... (

asked in the list of Gimp and give me the same grounds that it works ... maybe the version I have Gimp 2.4.7 which is what Lenny is in the repositories is the problem ...

Here is a picture of how open the windows
Comportamiento de las ventanas al abrir la segunda ventana

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Different Types Of Boobs

windows animated Storytelling Advancement 5

Almost ending the end of the course activity HA903 ... it only remains to include audio and images to match ... I already
realized how to make mencoder respect the time I gave each table from Gimp! only had to remove-fts 4 in the configuration Nina happened to us.

Procedure 1. I stepped into the console user.
2. I went to the folder where I have the gif and mp3, with the following command: cd
/ home/celi/cursos/HA903/mp3agif
3. Uni gif to mp3 using mencoder: mencoder
all-new2.gif - ovc lavc-o todos.avi -oac copy-audiofile learn-to-fly-recortado.mp3
mencoder mencoder input {videos} [options] [-o output file]

-ovc lavc : recode the video
-oac copy, video copy-audiofile
: audio features

This link helped me to understand the options for mencoder: mencoder Use Here

found how to convert a mpg avi but sounds good in all players so I uploaded in AVI format.


For me, the challenge end of this activity was not only to use of different free software programs to create an animated gif but it was compressed difficult to summarize an idea to represent gif formats and using a program that is not specific to create complex animations.
Most important was to establish, communicate
What idea first stanza of Learn to Fly by Patricia Sosa, I chose it because I like the message it conveys.
do represent the idea and how to represent it:
The overall message: through a simple landscape where you see a way trying to be difficult to cross.
and then some concepts, words, phrases: Hard
: From the tone of the landscape: gray and typography and color (black).
Road: from typography and color. Highlight clearing the way your color.
and it is not easy : I highlighted the word easy (white) and began to uncover the landscape trying to portray the story unfolds slowly down the road.
not know if there is time: I chose a font that represents me and continued while uncovering the landscape a little more.
rest : from typography and other transparent white rectangle on the exposed sector of the landscape to represent.
adventure: color from yellow (really do not know what color to represent adventure but I chose that color because it is striking) of both typography and transparent right rectangle that covers the landscape. (Perhaps this could have used more than one color but does not support gif format correctly)
love from pink-red color of both the typography and transparent right rectangle that covers the landscape.
courage: from blue (because I associate the courage and masculine) of both typography and transparent right rectangle that covers the landscape.
eyes: I chose green to represent the hope that transmits the letter and covered the whole landscape with a transparent dark rectangle to represent close your eyes .
burst into flight, I found the landscape and change the color of flying: sky (freedom). (Here attempt to overtake the landscape, closer to represent it approaches, but in order to advance this progress I let the colors shown only)
What I liked to think how to represent ideas through graphics resources.
Using a console command to attach the gif with audio.
investigate the installation of mencoder and use.
Use Audacity for the first time, to cut an introduction in which he spoke Patricia Sosa. End
a video and upload it on youtube (because I have a lot of material and ideas to make videos but do not do it because I complicated;)) What I lacked
slightly reduce the audio and not cut sharply. Include
data in the avi who performed the activity and for what purposes (credits)
forward slightly when listening landscape
burst into flight And other things:)
. View
progress and work of my colleagues ... how many different things can be done with a single proposal! What things locked
me (in the sense of entanglement)
think how to represent ideas in a simple way to make it more or less well formats gif. Make
images accompany the audio.
What am complicated and detailed, which I always find things to improve ...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Number Munchers Free Online Game

HA903 Animated Storytelling Advancement

Continuing with the business end of the quarter the course HA903.
OS: Debian Lenny.
Software: Gimp Inkscape 0.46 and Procedure

in Inkscape.
I made some modifications to the advancement 3 : First sequence
  1. I decided to remove the blur basic drawing to avoid bad quality when exported in png format.
  2. svg opened the first file that I'm working that contains two images of the sequence.
  3. I agreed to fill and edge panel and moved the control blur to remove completely. I removed the
  4. rounded rectangle that gives a dark color to the picture by moving the circular control located in the upper right corner of the rectangle.
  5. I removed some nodes (Ctrl L) to each form of drawing and made some minor modifications as modifying the appearance of some mountains, the road.
  6. Once he was ready, I copy and pasted for use in the second sequence. Second sequence

I cleared
  1. the tone of rectangle covering the drawing.
  2. I changed the color of way, as I explained to highlight a little and positioned myself behind the rectangle. Third sequence

  1. Copy and paste the finished drawing done for the first sequence. Reduced
  2. the size of the rectangle revealing the original drawing on the right sector. Locate
  3. sentence above a bit that of the second sequence. Fourth
  1. Copy and paste the finished drawing done for the first sequence. Reduced
  2. a little more size of the rectangle. Locate
  3. sentence above a bit that of the third sequence. Fifth

  1. sequence copied and pasted the finished drawing made for the second sequence (with the lighter tone of the way.) Reduced
  2. a little more size of rectangle.
  3. As was revealed half of the drawing. I added another rectangle white color transparent to make sense of tranquility, relaxation . Locate
  4. sentence above a bit than the previous sequence. Sixth

  1. sequence copied and pasted the finished drawing made for the second sequence (with the lighter tone of the way.) Reduced
  2. a little more size of rectangle.
  3. As was revealed more than half of the picture, I added another color yellow rectangle clear to give sense of adventure. Locate
  4. sentence a bit more above that of the previous sequence. Seventh

  1. sequence copied and pasted the finished drawing made for the second sequence (with the lighter tone of the way.) Reduced
  2. a little more size of rectangle.
  3. I added another color rectangle transparent pink to give loving feeling in the area of \u200b\u200boutdoor design. Locate
  4. phrase in the same place than the previous sequence. Eighth

  1. sequence copied and pasted the finished drawing made for the second sequence (with the lighter tone of the way.) Reduced
  2. a little more size of rectangle.
  3. I added another color blue rectangle transparent to give a sense of courage drawing the outdoor area. Locate
  4. sentence in the same place than the previous sequence. Ninth
  1. Copy and paste the finished drawing done for the first sequence.
  2. enlarge the size of rectangle to cover all drawing and upped the opacity to give the feeling eyes closed. Locate
  3. phrase the same place than the previous sequence.
Last sequence
  1. Copy and paste the finished drawing done for the first sequence. Removed
  2. rectangle to discover all drawing to give the feeling of freedom , flying . Locate
  3. sentence in the same place than the previous sequence. I exported
each sequence as png .

In applying the effect of fusion between sequences
opened the first sequence and then the second sequence. Drag the thumbnail of the second sequence of the first to have both sequences in one file.
added a transparent layer in the end because you need 3 layers melt filter View picture (1). I agreed to the menu
Filters / Animation / Melt . What settings (see image (2)):
  1. intermediate frames: 3
  2. maximum blur Radio: 0
  3. loop removed the tilde.
Configuración para el filtro Animaciones / Fundir: Fotogramas intermedios: 3. I saved the file named 1-2.xcf.
I did the same for sequences 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-9, 9-10. Creating

final animation sequences Uni all merged into one file. I kept the xcf extension. I agreed to the menu
Filters / Animation / Optimize for gif .
created a new file is optimized for gif.
export it to gif, accessing the menu File / Save As ... and in the name of the file included. Gif. Choose the option Save as animation . Configured in the 700ms delay between frames and clicked on the option to use the delay introduced above for all frames . Linking
animated gif mp3 audio
First modified the delay of some pictures to match the audio by changing the ms from the image layer to be modified.
I saved it as gif and descliquié the option to use the delay entered above for all frames because now not all frames had the same delay. This was
Animación gif de una estrofa de la canción aprender a volar de Patricia Sosa
Then joined the gif to mp3 following Nina instructions to create the avi file. But I have trouble getting the images match the audio and edit it in Gimp, but when an animated gif to mp3 does not respect time. I'll have to change the method for linking the audio to gif. Tomorrow I'll see;)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Hock Up A Dish 322


One of the slogans of the last quarter closing AH903 course, is to include sound animated gif image. The connection Nina explains how to do it using mencoder in baidarkas portal.
When I start it I realized I had no Mencoder installed on Lenny stable. (
shop around and testing I could install this:
In console I agreed to sources.list to include the URL for the repository to install Mencoder:

1. Nano / etc / apt / sources.list to

end of the file included the following lines: # Multimedia

stable (current) stable main deb

which have # is a comment and the other is the URL of the repository for debian stable.

Guard. I came out of nano.


aptitude update 3. installed Mencoder

aptitude install mencoder

Sources: / my-repository-debian