Taking into account all the suggestions I received, I decided to try another design for Linux is free for both the logo to the home page.
To create this new design I based on this template: Modifications
- Links : I divided the links into two groups, the most general in top menu and the most specific a menu located below header.
The menu is generally higher than the other menu. Also the font size is slightly larger.
Each menu is separated from the other by a vertical bar - Header: comprises the logo , a list of what the site offers Linux is free and a search form , which will I removed the option to choose between searching the web or the site, was to find within the site only. Logo
- : I gave greater prominence to the name Linux is Free , I used a clear and simple typography. I placed a standard tux (which would have to modify it is related to Linux is free). I included the slogan of the site in an informal font. Content
- : now located on the left, without using boxes as in the other design Links
- other forms : located on the right side.
- Colors: main colors the page are: blue, white and gray, almost white. The intention is to convey the feeling of freedom, peace. The predominant colors in the logo are blue and orange, blue is associated with the technical [1] and orange with the warmth and joy. [2]
I invite you to see the new design
[1] http://www.mariaclaudiacortes.com/colors/Colors.html
[2] http://www.webtaller.com/maletin/articulos/significado_de_los_colores.php?bol0108 -1
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