Peru's glaciers are melting
• February 14, 2007 - Brownsville Herald - AP - CA •
the ice peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, largest chain of world's tropical glaciers, is melting rapidly by rising temperatures, changing from white to brown the peaks, which has shown that global warming threatens the future supply of water in Peru, scientists say.
Lima - Peru's Andes mountains have lost at least 22% of their glacier area since 1970 and melting is accelerating, according to the National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA).
glaciology specialists believe that the current situation of the glaciers in the world is an indicator of global warming and warn that what is happening in Peru suggests existence of potential problems.
"For me, the average ice loss is really troubling," said Lonnie Thompson, a geologist at Ohio State University, U.S., and influential glaciologist, who warns that the rate of melt ice can not be generated again.
Thompson, who has observed the melting of the Andes, Himalayas and on top of Kilimanjaro, said tropical glaciers are melting all over the world due to high temperatures and that "in places where we have data to prove it the average ice loss is actually accelerating. "
In Peru, the effects snowmelt are visible. Brown rocks are observed in the majestic snow-capped peaks. Compared photos of different eras show how the glaciers have been retreating from the slopes of the mountains, and one _the Broggi_ has completely disappeared. The ice caves, once popular with tourists, have disappeared.
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