Friday, March 2, 2007

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And the Oscar goes to ...

IMAGE: Al Gore and Davis Guggenheim in Ceremony 79th Academy Awards.

"An Inconvenient Truth" work based on the Power Point presentation of former Vice President Al Gore on global warming, last night won the Oscar for best documentary. "Politics can wait, the Earth," Gore said when asked if the Chair would posit again.

• February 26, 2007 - Agencies / Hollywood Today / CA •
Although the winner of the Oscar for best documentary was by Davis Guggenheim "An Inconvenient Truth", everyone recognized that the credit was up to Al Gore, which also went on stage to receive the statuette. Gore did not miss

the opportunity to be in front of many celebrities and hundreds of millions of viewers to send his message about the need to act urgently to stop global warming: "This is not a political issue is a moral issue," said Ex- U.S. Vice President.

Source: / sections / calentamiento.html

Image: / sections / calentamiento.html


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