• 14 February 2007 - London, Agencies •
British entrepreneur Richard Branson, Virgin's owner, announced today that offers a prize of 19 million euros (25 million) who devise a formula to eliminate greenhouse gases the atmosphere.
Along with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and other leading environmentalists, Branson has encouraged the "world's brightest brains" to "devise a way to eliminate at least equivalent to 1,000 million tonnes carbon year, and hopefully many more. " "You will have the satisfaction of saving thousands of species and possibly humanity," said the owner of Virgin in a press conference in London.
The Virgin Earth Challenge , that's the name of the award is given to the person or group to achieve a commercially viable design which results in the removal of significant amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to achieve stability climate on Earth. The winner must be able to demonstrate that its design also has no contraindications and that its benefits are long lasting.
prize promoters include the timing for submission one week after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that the warming is irreversible due to emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases from the industrial era.
"Unless we can devise a way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, you will lose half the species on Earth, including polar bears and coral reefs, 100 million people will be displaced by to rising sea levels, farmlands will become deserts, "Branson has warned.
well hung AWARD
Former U.S. Democratic vice, proposed this month to the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation 2007, has emphasized that human are not used to thinking about "a planetary emergency." "There is nothing in our prior history as a species that prepares us to imagine that we as human beings, we could be in the process destroy the habitability of the planet for ourselves," said Al Gore, who opts for an Oscar for best documentary his film "An Inconvenient Truth" about the risks of global warming.
The owner of Virgin has stressed that the Virgin Earth Challenge is the highest award offered to date and compared it with the competition held in 1714 by the British Government to find an effective method to determine the length for sailors. "Sixty years later, John Harrison received the award from King George III for having designed a chronometer (maritime clock) accurate and durable than helped save thousands of lives at sea, "he said.
Source: circuloastronomico.cl / sections / heating. html
Image: circuloastronomico.cl / sections / calentamiento.html
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