One of the many photos I've taken the flowers from the garden of my mother. The Gimp 2.4.7 edited with and climbed Flickr.
The original image climbed the Wikimedia Commons.
- Strengthen colors accessing the menu Colors> Hue and Saturation . I moved the Saturation slider to 22.
- Round the corners of the image. First I put as the background color of the flower color using the color picker tool having a pipette and chose properties Set the background color . Then I agreed to the menu Filters> Decorator> Rounded Corners. In radio got 15, I took the tittle of Work copy.
- Duplicate the flower layer, right click on the layer and choose Duplicate Layer option . A copy that was up, the gray became accessing the menu colors> desaturate .
- Apply layer mask to the desaturated image layer . Right click on the layer and clicked on the option Add Layer Mask. Then with the brush flower painted in black to allow both the layer where the flower color. Painted white when he wanted to return to be in the paint gray color. Once the image was as he wished, apply the mask, right click on the layer and choose the option Apply layer mask. Using
- Text tool, I wrote my name and my surname. I chose a simple font, choose an appropriate size and gave it to apply white relief map. I moved the text layer to make it under the flower with a gray background.
- I clicked on the first layer and I agreed to the menu Filters> Map> Bump Map . Dialog box appears:
- the list Bump Map: Choose the text.
- select the option to darken compensate.
- Depth: 4
- X Offset and Y Offset : Modify the values \u200b\u200bto place the text where I wanted. I used the preview to go seeing as there was
- sea level: 173 to make it as thin as possible while visible.
- exports with the jpg format ( File / Save As ... ).
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