Friday, July 31, 2009

Lincoln Nicknamed Africanus Negative Or Positive

HA903 Designing a Web Version 2 HA903

According to suggestions from the list linuxeslibre made some modifications to the previous design :
  • I cleared the gray boxes,
  • darkened the blue-green header boxes. I applied this same color at the bottom of main header where the logo.
  • Replace asterisks with circles for bullets in the news.

boceto del aspecto de la pagina principal del sitio Linux es Libre

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raw Gums Post Tooth Extraction

Designing a web self

for ten days or so I made a sketch redesigning the web site home page using Linux is Free Inkscape and Gimp. I also made a preliminary redesign of the logo.
This activity corresponds to the second alternative proposal as a final activity of the current quarter and also HA903 did it as a way to collaborate with the community Linux is free.
For the redesign, I relied on the appearance of the homepage of the day July 17, 2009, clarified because Linux is Free website is in continuous development and updating.
This was the sketch of the new design:
boceto del aspecto de la pagina principal del sitio Linux es Libre

Description Looking at the homepage of Linux is Free, I believe that a reorganization is needed of information for easier navigation by users, says jEsuSdA in Article "that users find what they are looking for comfort and ease to navigate through the page."
Once I decided to split the data into three columns, I looked for designs templates for Blogger and found three, which have guided me to create my own site design.
1. Fervens
Plantilla llamada Fervens, diseñada por Design Disease, adaptada para Blogger por BlogandWeb 2. Magzmo
Plantilla para Blogger llamada Magzmo 3. O2
Plantilla llamada o2. Esta basada en el theme para wordpress “O2” de Eches, adaptado para Blogger por BlogandWeb

Procedure In Gimp, I realized a screenshot of the page, cut out each piece of content and images saved as independent, ie, documents, logo, date, welcome, ring, Google search, Google Groups, friends' websites, links horizontal, vertical links, etc. In
Inkscape, I imported each image created in Gimp . I began to re-locate them, to distribute in the first, second and third columns, to decide which rule out considering it duplicate content, etc.
Organizando cada sector de información en Inkscape del sitio web Linux es Libre In another new document, I began to create the sketch :
- Using modified rectangles Edit Nodes tool ... to locate the information.
- Bringing back the text with the text tool .
- Re-designing the forms for the search and the Google Group. In Gimp : cut out the buttons and Search Subscribe and the Google logo I took off the bottom. I kept them as separate png images. In Inkscape , imports, I placed them in place and added the text .
- For friends pages, I thought it would be better and easier to create text-only links.
- Customize the look for "Check your current IP and your connection speed, where I extended the color background Gimp, saved it as an image. The importer and he joined text Inkscape.
- redesigned the logo (as explained in another posting)
- Choose and apply color to recangulos and the plain text and links.

I hope I have provided for ease of reading the page.

now only remains for the community of Linux is Free see him, I think, make the changes that are required and can implement it using CSS .

Monday, July 20, 2009

Images Getty Images Watermark

Courses: Moodle and Squeak

On Monday July 22 I enrolled in a course of self Moodle created by Iris Fernández . I'm also
other course of self Squeak, created for her. I do not remember when I started, but I did some interesting things since I had no idea of \u200b\u200bSqueak. Today I left a little squeak, but I will return soon.

Self-training course in Moodle

What I did until now, using the guidelines created by Iris and reading help from Moodle. Here the links:

1. Enter the course platform: Platform


Steps to enter self Group: Moodle

2. Create a platform moodle in a free hosting platform
Create Key to School

3. Change the default language: English.
Change the language of a platform Moodle Key to School

4. Create categories to organize courses

5. Create a course in Moodle

6. Set a course

5. Modify the theme of the platform: I agreed to
Administration / Appearance / Themes / Theme Selector
and choose a theme that I liked.

6. Now I would like to learn to change the subject. Some points that interests me are: a.
Modify header logo
b. Modify the design Main page

These two links I have not even read in their entirety or I have put into practice.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Simi Garewal Bathing Mera Naam Joker

Gimp - Management HA903

I noticed that people who are new to Gimp, has experience in other programs of the same type or not occur to them that are lost or are baffled as to have an image open and then open another, it is located behind of which is already open ... the easiest would be to stand in front ...
I looked for solutions on File / Preferences, I agreed to Window Management and Window Manager Hints, Hints for both toolbox and Hints for other recessed, select Maintenance on top. Rebooted Gimp. I tried and there was no change in the windows, only the toolbox and any dialog box is always up, even when triggered another window that is not Gimp, for example the web browser .... (

asked in the list of Gimp and give me the same grounds that it works ... maybe the version I have Gimp 2.4.7 which is what Lenny is in the repositories is the problem ...

Here is a picture of how open the windows
Comportamiento de las ventanas al abrir la segunda ventana