Thursday, January 4, 2007

Why Are Ankles Swollen And Excessive Achochol

What can we do? Welcome

These are some simple things we can do to regulate and reduce our emissions CO2.

• See "An Inconvenient Truth."
• Change regular light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs.
• Recycle (paper, plastic, glass).
• Educate and disseminate information to family, friends and community.
• Turn off lights that you are not using.
• Plant a tree and if you can a lot better.
• Lower the thermostat 2 degrees in winter and increases 2 degrees in summer.
• Clean or replace furnace filters and air conditioning.
• When buying new appliances, buy the energy saving (which carry the ENERGY STAR label.)
• Use less hot water.
• Use a clothesline instead of the dryer.
• Turn off electrical appliances that you are not using.
• Unplug appliances.
• Buy recycled paper products.
• Walk, ride a bike, carpool or use public transportation to move.
• Keep your car in good condition as are the tires inflated.
• Promote the shift to renewable energies (solar, wind).
• Protects and preserves the flora and fauna.

To learn more, click on Links (in English or English) and there you will find more of what you want.



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