Saturday, January 13, 2007

Senior Week Houses In Myrtle Beach

Climate change, disease following

IMAGE: Flies transmit certain diseases to the lions.

"The disease must now be regarded as another fundamental part of the global warming scenario" Dr. Richard Ostfeld

malaria epidemics, butterflies sick with parasites, infected corals and trees covered with fungus.

This would be the world stage if the earth is warming, say scientists at the prestigious U.S. journal Science.

After studying hundreds of documents, the experts warned that infectious diseases will increase as the temperature rises from the earth.

entire species of animals could disappear as a result of global warming.

wild animals in danger of extinction, such as lions and hawks, may succumb to infections.

tropical diseases affecting humans could expand on the outside of your normal geographic area, affecting more and more people.

According to U.S. experts, this is the first study on the effect of climate change on various pathogens of crops, plants, wild animals and humans. ANOTHER THREAT

"The disease must now be regarded as another fundamental part of the global warming scenario," said Dr. Richard Ostfeld of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York City.

"We must take global warming far more seriously than we give now," added, clarifying that by "we" I mean international agencies but also the U.S. government. "

According to experts, the increase in infectious diseases would lead to changes in temperature, rainfall and humidity, which favors the pathogen.

Climate change could also "stress" the animals and plants, making them more susceptible to disease.

Dr. Ute Collier, the World Wildlife Fund has no doubts about the significance of these findings: "The future of our health, and health of the planet depends on us to do something about this global threat now."



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