Climate change, disease following
IMAGE: Flies transmit certain diseases to the lions.
"The disease must now be regarded as another fundamental part of the global warming scenario" Dr. Richard Ostfeld
malaria epidemics, butterflies sick with parasites, infected corals and trees covered with fungus.
This would be the world stage if the earth is warming, say scientists at the prestigious U.S. journal Science.
After studying hundreds of documents, the experts warned that infectious diseases will increase as the temperature rises from the earth.
entire species of animals could disappear as a result of global warming.
wild animals in danger of extinction, such as lions and hawks, may succumb to infections.
tropical diseases affecting humans could expand on the outside of your normal geographic area, affecting more and more people.
According to U.S. experts, this is the first study on the effect of climate change on various pathogens of crops, plants, wild animals and humans. ANOTHER THREAT
"The disease must now be regarded as another fundamental part of the global warming scenario," said Dr. Richard Ostfeld of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York City.
"We must take global warming far more seriously than we give now," added, clarifying that by "we" I mean international agencies but also the U.S. government. "
According to experts, the increase in infectious diseases would lead to changes in temperature, rainfall and humidity, which favors the pathogen.
Climate change could also "stress" the animals and plants, making them more susceptible to disease.
Dr. Ute Collier, the World Wildlife Fund has no doubts about the significance of these findings: "The future of our health, and health of the planet depends on us to do something about this global threat now."
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I Look Like Meagan Good
2007 will be the warmest year in history
• January 3, 2007 •
The year 2007 will be the warmest on record due to a combination of global warming the climatic phenomenon known as "El Niño", warned experts from various countries.
According to a report published Monday by British newspaper The Independent, several experts on climate and weather forecasters predicted that this year will be crucial to see how human beings respond to global warming and its effects on the planet.
Scientists warn that over the next 12 months the Earth will suffer extreme weather conditions that could cause global level, for example, droughts in Indonesia and floods in the state of California, western United States.
According to The Independent, an English professor and expert on climate research Phil Jones, said the continuing trend of global warming will be exacerbated by the arrival of El Niño, a phenomenon caused by above-average temperatures in the Pacific Ocean.
The two factors combined will cause extreme weather conditions around the world and lead to make 2007 warmer than 1998, the year hottest in history.
American scientist Jim Hansen, who in 1988 was among the first to notice the phenomenon of climate change on the planet now lives, also predicts extreme weather conditions this year.
The practitioner told The Independent that global warming may become out of control and change the planet forever if no quick action is taken to reverse the increase of carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
"We can not burn all fossil fuels, if we do we will have a different planet," said Hansen, adding: "I mean a planet without ice in the Arctic, a planet where warming is so large that have important consequences such as increases in sea levels and extinction of species. "
Source: /
• January 3, 2007 •
The year 2007 will be the warmest on record due to a combination of global warming the climatic phenomenon known as "El Niño", warned experts from various countries.
According to a report published Monday by British newspaper The Independent, several experts on climate and weather forecasters predicted that this year will be crucial to see how human beings respond to global warming and its effects on the planet.
Scientists warn that over the next 12 months the Earth will suffer extreme weather conditions that could cause global level, for example, droughts in Indonesia and floods in the state of California, western United States.
According to The Independent, an English professor and expert on climate research Phil Jones, said the continuing trend of global warming will be exacerbated by the arrival of El Niño, a phenomenon caused by above-average temperatures in the Pacific Ocean.
The two factors combined will cause extreme weather conditions around the world and lead to make 2007 warmer than 1998, the year hottest in history.
American scientist Jim Hansen, who in 1988 was among the first to notice the phenomenon of climate change on the planet now lives, also predicts extreme weather conditions this year.
The practitioner told The Independent that global warming may become out of control and change the planet forever if no quick action is taken to reverse the increase of carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
"We can not burn all fossil fuels, if we do we will have a different planet," said Hansen, adding: "I mean a planet without ice in the Arctic, a planet where warming is so large that have important consequences such as increases in sea levels and extinction of species. "
Source: /
Libia Varicosities Images
Alaska suffers
IMAGE: Icebergs in Greenland
Despite denials from governments and large companies are beginning to see clearly the consequences of climate change.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Anyone who doubts the seriousness of global warming should ask the elderly Eskimos and Aleuts of Alaska Indians on the dramatic changes that have had their land and animals on which they depend.
Native leaders say that salmon is becoming increasingly susceptible to warm-water parasites and suffer from lesions and strange behavior. The flesh of the salmon and moose has a funny taste, and marrow of the bones of moose has become weirdly runny, they say.
The ice is disappearing, making food is scarce for sea animals and causing difficulties for the Natives who hunt them. It is feared that the polar bears, to name a species, the northern hemisphere could disappear by mid-century.
Trees and shrubs are moved to the north, where once stood the tundra. The same goes for the Beavers, who are building new dams in rivers and lakes, to the detriment of water quality and possibly salmon eggs.
However, despite the frustration of Alaska Natives, many politicians of the 48 U.S. states which are further south, deny that global warming is occurring or that a warmer climate could cause problems.
"Obviously, we do not live in the Arctic," said Patricia Cochran, executive director of the Science Commission Alaska Native. The commission, based in Anchorage, and funded by the National Science Foundation, has been collecting information for years about the conditions of melting in Alaska.
Climatic changes are disrupting the culture and traditional food gathering, said Larry Merculieff, a leader Aleutian Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea.
indigenous residents of the far north find it increasingly difficult to explain the natural world to future generations. "As species disappear, the levels of connection between older and younger people are declining," Merculieff said at a recent conference in Anchorage.
emotional security
Changes in climate affect even the safety of humans, said Orville Huntington, vice chairman of the Alaska Native Science.
"It seems like winter out there, but if you've been around a long time like me, know that this is not winter," said Huntington, an Athabaskan Indian village of Huslia, Alaska inside. "If you travel on that ice, you will see that there is ice transitábamos 40 years ago."
river ice, long used to travel to the interior Alaska, is thinner and less reliable than it used to be.
is believed that global warming is the result of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere that trap the Earth's radiant heat and create a greenhouse effect. The warming is more dramatic in polar latitudes because cold air is dry, allowing greenhouse gases trap more solar radiation. Even a modest rise in temperature can thaw the glaciers and permafrost that cover much of Alaska.
There is no doubt that global warming is having pronounced effects in Alaska, said Gunter Weller, director of the Fairbank Center for Research on Global Change and Arctic System Research, University of Alaska.
Average temperatures in Alaska have risen about three degrees Celsius in 30 years, and approximately double that in winter, said Weller, who also heads the Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the university.
This causes serious problems not only to the rural Natives who live off the produce of the land, but for large industries and government structures, he said.
Most roads in Alaska are on the permafrost, which is now rapidly thawing, which means headaches for state officials. The thaw has already caused increased maintenance costs for the trans-Alaskan pipeline, which uses special vertical supports to hold them on the tundra.
If the request of Alaska Natives are not getting the attention of politicians, then the economic problem should, Weller said.
cited the cost, estimated at 100 million dollars for the relocation of Shishmaref, an Inupiat Eskimo village on Alaska's northwest coast, a more stable ground. The village of 600 inhabitants is about to fall into the Bering Sea due to severe erosion resulting from thawing permafrost and the absence of sea ice that protects the coast of the big waves produced by the storms. Besides
Shishmaref, there are about twenty villages in Alaska that are candidates for relocation due to erosion, with similar costs, according to Weller.
Alaska's economy has suffered from melting permafrost, said Robert Corell, chairman of the International Advisory Committee on the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.
hard frozen conditions needed to support ice roads in the North Slope oil fields are now only about 100 days a year, he said. 30 years ago, oil companies used the ice roads for about 200 days a year, he said.
Source: Yahoo News
Article: Warming Climate Disrupts Alaska's Native Lives by Yereth Rosen
IMAGE: Icebergs in Greenland
Despite denials from governments and large companies are beginning to see clearly the consequences of climate change.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Anyone who doubts the seriousness of global warming should ask the elderly Eskimos and Aleuts of Alaska Indians on the dramatic changes that have had their land and animals on which they depend.
Native leaders say that salmon is becoming increasingly susceptible to warm-water parasites and suffer from lesions and strange behavior. The flesh of the salmon and moose has a funny taste, and marrow of the bones of moose has become weirdly runny, they say.
The ice is disappearing, making food is scarce for sea animals and causing difficulties for the Natives who hunt them. It is feared that the polar bears, to name a species, the northern hemisphere could disappear by mid-century.
Trees and shrubs are moved to the north, where once stood the tundra. The same goes for the Beavers, who are building new dams in rivers and lakes, to the detriment of water quality and possibly salmon eggs.
However, despite the frustration of Alaska Natives, many politicians of the 48 U.S. states which are further south, deny that global warming is occurring or that a warmer climate could cause problems.
"Obviously, we do not live in the Arctic," said Patricia Cochran, executive director of the Science Commission Alaska Native. The commission, based in Anchorage, and funded by the National Science Foundation, has been collecting information for years about the conditions of melting in Alaska.
Climatic changes are disrupting the culture and traditional food gathering, said Larry Merculieff, a leader Aleutian Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea.
indigenous residents of the far north find it increasingly difficult to explain the natural world to future generations. "As species disappear, the levels of connection between older and younger people are declining," Merculieff said at a recent conference in Anchorage.
emotional security
Changes in climate affect even the safety of humans, said Orville Huntington, vice chairman of the Alaska Native Science.
"It seems like winter out there, but if you've been around a long time like me, know that this is not winter," said Huntington, an Athabaskan Indian village of Huslia, Alaska inside. "If you travel on that ice, you will see that there is ice transitábamos 40 years ago."
river ice, long used to travel to the interior Alaska, is thinner and less reliable than it used to be.
is believed that global warming is the result of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere that trap the Earth's radiant heat and create a greenhouse effect. The warming is more dramatic in polar latitudes because cold air is dry, allowing greenhouse gases trap more solar radiation. Even a modest rise in temperature can thaw the glaciers and permafrost that cover much of Alaska.
There is no doubt that global warming is having pronounced effects in Alaska, said Gunter Weller, director of the Fairbank Center for Research on Global Change and Arctic System Research, University of Alaska.
Average temperatures in Alaska have risen about three degrees Celsius in 30 years, and approximately double that in winter, said Weller, who also heads the Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the university.
This causes serious problems not only to the rural Natives who live off the produce of the land, but for large industries and government structures, he said.
Most roads in Alaska are on the permafrost, which is now rapidly thawing, which means headaches for state officials. The thaw has already caused increased maintenance costs for the trans-Alaskan pipeline, which uses special vertical supports to hold them on the tundra.
If the request of Alaska Natives are not getting the attention of politicians, then the economic problem should, Weller said.
cited the cost, estimated at 100 million dollars for the relocation of Shishmaref, an Inupiat Eskimo village on Alaska's northwest coast, a more stable ground. The village of 600 inhabitants is about to fall into the Bering Sea due to severe erosion resulting from thawing permafrost and the absence of sea ice that protects the coast of the big waves produced by the storms. Besides
Shishmaref, there are about twenty villages in Alaska that are candidates for relocation due to erosion, with similar costs, according to Weller.
Alaska's economy has suffered from melting permafrost, said Robert Corell, chairman of the International Advisory Committee on the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.
hard frozen conditions needed to support ice roads in the North Slope oil fields are now only about 100 days a year, he said. 30 years ago, oil companies used the ice roads for about 200 days a year, he said.
Source: Yahoo News
Article: Warming Climate Disrupts Alaska's Native Lives by Yereth Rosen
Friday, January 12, 2007
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Warming global warming would cause migration of species of Galapagos The cost of heating
• January 10, 2007 • Quito
- Global warming will cause the migration of penguins , sea lions and other species that would move south in search of food due to changing climatic conditions, warned Natural Resources responsible for the Galapagos National Park, Danny Rueda.
Speaking to the newspaper "El Comercio, Quito, Rueda said the warm water of the marine reserve, would be a shift colder waters where the species would be affected sea birds such as ping inos and mammals like sea lions off the break in the food chain.
The Galapagos archipelago is located a thousand miles from the coast of Ecuador and Natural Heritage of Humanity and Marine Reserve by UNESCO in view of the endemic species of flora and fauna that inhabit the area.
• January 10, 2007 • Quito
- Global warming will cause the migration of penguins , sea lions and other species that would move south in search of food due to changing climatic conditions, warned Natural Resources responsible for the Galapagos National Park, Danny Rueda.
Speaking to the newspaper "El Comercio, Quito, Rueda said the warm water of the marine reserve, would be a shift colder waters where the species would be affected sea birds such as ping inos and mammals like sea lions off the break in the food chain.
The Galapagos archipelago is located a thousand miles from the coast of Ecuador and Natural Heritage of Humanity and Marine Reserve by UNESCO in view of the endemic species of flora and fauna that inhabit the area.
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Recently the British Government published a rigorous study by Sir Nicholas Stern, former World Bank chief economist recognized world authority on the subject. This study deals with the cost of global warming based on scientific evidence of such change and the projected economic impact.
As the science has documented, the global temperature is increasing and could rise to five degrees Celsius in this century if we continue to burn more fuel and releasing carbon dioxide forms.
The Stern answers questions of interest to those who hold political and economic power in this world is that the cost would stop and that process would be 1% of global gross domestic product. A whopping undoubtedly but the cost of inaction could be at least 20 times higher. Doing nothing would cost more than U.S. $ 10,000 million (figures from 2004).
What will be our choice? Do something now or wait for us although the economic cost is higher, and without considering the ecological and human costs would be?
Unfortunately, there seems no reason to be optimistic. The great economic and industrial powers do not seem to have the political will to make changes and actions required to stop. The short-term political vision seems to prevail.
Although the economic cost of halting global warming is certainly high and doing nothing is even greater, consider the human cost and the environmental cost would be. In Africa alone, about a third of the crop would be lost for lack of water and heat, as in other regions. Would famines throughout the world. More than one billion people suffer from lack of water. With the melting of glaciers vast regions of Asia, South America, Europe and the United States (Florida) would be flooded. Much
ecosystems like the Amazon and tropical forests disappear, like coral reefs, among others. Millions of species of plants, animals and microorganisms become extinct. Weather phenomena extremes such as storms, droughts, hurricanes and heat waves would occur with greater intensity.
Why would you want money, if the warming will kill many of our well-being and life on Earth? We need a new ethic and prompt actions to deviate from the path we are following.
Source: /
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If you live in Spain and have the opportunity, do not miss this super conference that interests you more than anything in this world. If you want more information about this, take a look at the page . For my part I love to go but I live across the world (in my beautiful country Venezuela); o) ... so please! ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND!
If you live in Spain and have the opportunity, do not miss this super conference that interests you more than anything in this world. If you want more information about this, take a look at the page . For my part I love to go but I live across the world (in my beautiful country Venezuela); o) ... so please! ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND!
Mario Salieri Cocaine
Al Gore attended the 1st Meeting on Energy, Municipality and Global Warming to be held in Madrid in February
• January 12, 2007 •
The 1st Meeting on Energy, Municipality and Global Warming (EMCG), to be held in Madrid between 7 and 8 February, will feature the Former U.S. vice president, Al Gore, global sustainability advocate and firm believer in the idea of \u200b\u200bclimate change.
The director of the meeting, John Bold, explained that the holding of this conference is part 'In the urgency of raising public awareness in general and provide a solution to climate change, with a vision that integrates innovative policies from public authorities. "
For this reason, the event - to be opened by the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, while the closure is payable by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade Joan Clos - is aimed at public authorities responsible for , entrepreneurs, technicians, academics and all those concerned with global warming and climate change.
In the case of Al Gore, former Vice President will give a lecture entitled 'The greatest problem of humanity today: global warming and our action to stop it', as part of their shares in favor of sustainable development, after last November will premiere the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth '( An Inconvenient Truth) - which he stars - which says that 'climate change is a real phenomenon, which is already happening as a result of human activity and not natural phenomena. "
Al Gore's lecture will be held Feb. 7 from 10:15 am, after the opening ceremony. Subsequently, the intervention will take place Acciona Chairman Jose Manuel Entrecanales, after 12.30.
The time of day 7 was completed with the development of several working panels that provide energy solutions. In particular, deepen the solutions provide solar energy (with the director of the Center for New Energy Technologies Sevilla, Valeriano Ruiz), transport fuels (with the principal investigator Biofuels Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Magin Lapuerta) or the waste and recycling (with Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of La Laguna, Raimundo Arvelo), among other acts.
The conference will begin on 8 from 10:00 am with the plenary 'Energy efficiency and urban planning', by the director of the Municipal Housing Agency of Madrid, Ana Iglesias.
Throughout the morning, also include representatives of the English Network of Cities for Climate and members of the central and regional governments to bring their vision in this regard.
The meeting ended with the Virtual Round Table 'Is a municipal climate change policy? " consisting of a video conference with mayors of large cities. The complete program is available on the web '' .
Source: /
• January 12, 2007 •
The 1st Meeting on Energy, Municipality and Global Warming (EMCG), to be held in Madrid between 7 and 8 February, will feature the Former U.S. vice president, Al Gore, global sustainability advocate and firm believer in the idea of \u200b\u200bclimate change.
The director of the meeting, John Bold, explained that the holding of this conference is part 'In the urgency of raising public awareness in general and provide a solution to climate change, with a vision that integrates innovative policies from public authorities. "
For this reason, the event - to be opened by the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, while the closure is payable by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade Joan Clos - is aimed at public authorities responsible for , entrepreneurs, technicians, academics and all those concerned with global warming and climate change.
In the case of Al Gore, former Vice President will give a lecture entitled 'The greatest problem of humanity today: global warming and our action to stop it', as part of their shares in favor of sustainable development, after last November will premiere the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth '( An Inconvenient Truth) - which he stars - which says that 'climate change is a real phenomenon, which is already happening as a result of human activity and not natural phenomena. "
Al Gore's lecture will be held Feb. 7 from 10:15 am, after the opening ceremony. Subsequently, the intervention will take place Acciona Chairman Jose Manuel Entrecanales, after 12.30.
The time of day 7 was completed with the development of several working panels that provide energy solutions. In particular, deepen the solutions provide solar energy (with the director of the Center for New Energy Technologies Sevilla, Valeriano Ruiz), transport fuels (with the principal investigator Biofuels Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Magin Lapuerta) or the waste and recycling (with Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of La Laguna, Raimundo Arvelo), among other acts.
The conference will begin on 8 from 10:00 am with the plenary 'Energy efficiency and urban planning', by the director of the Municipal Housing Agency of Madrid, Ana Iglesias.
Throughout the morning, also include representatives of the English Network of Cities for Climate and members of the central and regional governments to bring their vision in this regard.
The meeting ended with the Virtual Round Table 'Is a municipal climate change policy? " consisting of a video conference with mayors of large cities. The complete program is available on the web '' .
Source: /
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Hollywood, Head In The Suitcase
Exxon distorted debate about global warming
• January 4, 2007 •
Exxon Mobil Corp., the largest manufacturer of gasoline in the world, spent $ 15.8 million since 1998 to fund groups that reject the scientific evidence of human contribution global warming, according to a report published yesterday by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Exxon gave money to 43 organizations that promote''uncertainties''about global warming to delay U.S. action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, the report said. It also recommended advisers successfully the government of President George W. Bush, who rejected a global treaty to reduce these gases in 2001, and instead proposed voluntary cuts.
Among the largest recipients of funding from Exxon were the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which advocates limited government regulation of businesses, and the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, a group started in 1993 by Philip Morris, Altria Group Inc. , to confuse people about the dangers of secondhand smoke, the report said.
''Exxon has funded a parallel chamber of discredited scientists to distort the debate on global warming,''he told reporters Seth Shulman, author of the report.
spokesman Exxon, Mark Boudreaux, did not immediately return a call seeking comment on the report.
The departure of Lee Raymond, who retired last year from his position as head of Exxon, has taken a softer position on global warming, the report said. Rex Tillerson, who replaced Raymond, promised to talk more openly about climate change.
Source: / mld / elnuevo /
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• January 4, 2007 •
Exxon Mobil Corp., the largest manufacturer of gasoline in the world, spent $ 15.8 million since 1998 to fund groups that reject the scientific evidence of human contribution global warming, according to a report published yesterday by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Exxon gave money to 43 organizations that promote''uncertainties''about global warming to delay U.S. action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, the report said. It also recommended advisers successfully the government of President George W. Bush, who rejected a global treaty to reduce these gases in 2001, and instead proposed voluntary cuts.
Among the largest recipients of funding from Exxon were the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which advocates limited government regulation of businesses, and the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, a group started in 1993 by Philip Morris, Altria Group Inc. , to confuse people about the dangers of secondhand smoke, the report said.
''Exxon has funded a parallel chamber of discredited scientists to distort the debate on global warming,''he told reporters Seth Shulman, author of the report.
spokesman Exxon, Mark Boudreaux, did not immediately return a call seeking comment on the report.
The departure of Lee Raymond, who retired last year from his position as head of Exxon, has taken a softer position on global warming, the report said. Rex Tillerson, who replaced Raymond, promised to talk more openly about climate change.
Source: / mld / elnuevo /
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Hollywood Movie, Head In The Suitcase
IMAGE: The installation of solar power plants in the areas marked on the map could provide some more than the energy currently consumed in the world (assuming a conversion efficiency of 8%), including from heat, electricity, fossil fuels, and so on. The colors indicate the average solar radiation between 1991 and 1993 (three years, calculated on the basis of 24 hours per day and considering the clouds observed by satellites).
Solar energy is the energy from the sun directly incident solar radiation on Earth can take advantage of its ability to heat or directly through the use of radiation in optical devices or otherwise. It is a type of renewable energy and clean, which is known as green energy.
radiation power varies by time of day, weather conditions that and latitude. One can assume that in good conditions of irradiation the value is higher than 1000 W / m² at the surface. This power is known as irradiance.
Radiation is usable in direct and diffuse components, or the sum of both. The direct radiation reaching the solar focus directly, without intermediate reflections or refractions. Fuzzy is issued by the daytime sky thanks to the multiple reflection and refraction phenomena in the solar atmosphere, in clouds and other atmospheric and terrestrial elements. Direct radiation can be reflected and concentrated for use, while it is not possible to concentrate the diffused light coming from all directions.
direct normal irradiance (or perpendicular to the sun), outside the atmosphere called the solar constant and has an average value of 1354 W / m (corresponding to a maximum value at perihelion of 1395 W / m² and a minimum value at aphelion of 1308 W / m².)
• Passive solar: Take the hot sun without mechanisms or mechanical systems.
• Solar thermal: To produce low-temperature hot water for domestic water and heating.
• Solar photovoltaics: to produce electricity, semiconductor slabs are excited by solar radiation.
• Solar thermal: to produce electricity with a conventional thermodynamic cycle, from fluid heated by the sun.
• Solar Hybrid: combines solar energy with the combustion of biomass or fossil fuels.
• Energy solar wind: Works with air heated by the sun and goes up a chimney where the generators.
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Solar Energy Wind Energy
Wind energy is obtained by wind, ie using the kinetic energy generated by effect of air currents.
The wind comes from the Latin term aeolicus belonging or relating to Aeolus and Aeolus, god of the winds in Greek mythology and, therefore, belonging or related to the wind. Wind energy has been used since ancient times to move boats powered by sail or operate the mill machinery to move their blades. It is a type green energy.
currently used mainly to move turbines. These wind moves a propeller and through a mechanical system rotates the rotor of a generator, typically an alternator, which produces electricity. For installation uneconomic concentrations are usually grouped into so-called wind farms.
Although wind farms are relatively recent, starting to become popular in the decades of the 80 - 90, long the wind has been used in other applications, such as grinding grain or pumping water, just remember the famous windmills Wind already famous in the adventures of Don Quixote. ADVANTAGES
Although the amount of energy produced by this medium grows more and more in developed countries, wind energy has the following advantages:
• It is a type of renewable energy, ie, not spent or is slow little time to recreate.
• It is a clean energy that does not require combustion to produce carbon dioxide (CO2), and produces no atmospheric emissions or polluting waste.
• While not all sites can be used as the sole source of electrical energy, inclusion in an interlinked system allows, when wind conditions are suitable, save fuel in power stations and / or water in the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants.
• With integrated power systems interlinked, saves fossil fuel, or water stored in reservoirs.
• Can be placed in areas unsuitable for other purposes, such as in desert areas near the coast, arid slopes too steep to be cultivated.
• Can coexist with other land uses, such as grassland for cattle grazing or low growing crops like wheat, corn, potatoes, beets, etc..
• Since the current wind turbines are low speed, the problem of collisions with birds is shrinking.
• It creates jobs in areas that are built and assembly plants.
• Wind energy is a strong alternative to climate change because it produces no greenhouse gases.
• Installation is quick, 6 months to a year.
• Its use in combination with other types of energy, usually solar, biofeedback allows housing, ending the need to connect to grids, can achieve autonomy over the 82 hours without food from any of the 2 systems .
Wind energy is obtained by wind, ie using the kinetic energy generated by effect of air currents.
The wind comes from the Latin term aeolicus belonging or relating to Aeolus and Aeolus, god of the winds in Greek mythology and, therefore, belonging or related to the wind. Wind energy has been used since ancient times to move boats powered by sail or operate the mill machinery to move their blades. It is a type green energy.
currently used mainly to move turbines. These wind moves a propeller and through a mechanical system rotates the rotor of a generator, typically an alternator, which produces electricity. For installation uneconomic concentrations are usually grouped into so-called wind farms.
Although wind farms are relatively recent, starting to become popular in the decades of the 80 - 90, long the wind has been used in other applications, such as grinding grain or pumping water, just remember the famous windmills Wind already famous in the adventures of Don Quixote. ADVANTAGES
Although the amount of energy produced by this medium grows more and more in developed countries, wind energy has the following advantages:
• It is a type of renewable energy, ie, not spent or is slow little time to recreate.
• It is a clean energy that does not require combustion to produce carbon dioxide (CO2), and produces no atmospheric emissions or polluting waste.
• While not all sites can be used as the sole source of electrical energy, inclusion in an interlinked system allows, when wind conditions are suitable, save fuel in power stations and / or water in the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants.
• With integrated power systems interlinked, saves fossil fuel, or water stored in reservoirs.
• Can be placed in areas unsuitable for other purposes, such as in desert areas near the coast, arid slopes too steep to be cultivated.
• Can coexist with other land uses, such as grassland for cattle grazing or low growing crops like wheat, corn, potatoes, beets, etc..
• Since the current wind turbines are low speed, the problem of collisions with birds is shrinking.
• It creates jobs in areas that are built and assembly plants.
• Wind energy is a strong alternative to climate change because it produces no greenhouse gases.
• Installation is quick, 6 months to a year.
• Its use in combination with other types of energy, usually solar, biofeedback allows housing, ending the need to connect to grids, can achieve autonomy over the 82 hours without food from any of the 2 systems .
Thursday, January 4, 2007
How To Know When My Period Is Over
Tree Mission ENERGY STAR
is an initiative of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela aimed at active participation of the community in building a new development model that is based on the recovery, conservation and sustainable use of forests to improve their quality of life. VISION
Building in Venezuelan environmental awareness about the importance of forests, ecological balance and recovery of degraded areas due to the dominant development model, particularly those living in rural areas, with the aim of promote a new environmental ethic and improve their quality of life.
MISSION To contribute to the active participation of communities, conservationists and committees organized in cooperatives for the construction of a new development model that is based on the recovery, conservation and sustainable use of forests to improve their quality of life.
OBJECTIVES • Contribute to the restoration and maintenance of forests throughout the country through reforestation for protective purposes, and commercial-industrial agroforestry as a strategy for integrated management and sustainable use of river basins.
• Integrate in reforestation efforts being made by different organizations with the active participation of communities to achieve the breakthrough on the conservation of plant cover in the country. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES
• Promote sustainable use of forests.
• Increasing forest area and restore the landscape.
• Conserving biodiversity.
• Ensure water production.
• Promote agroforestry systems.
• Promote new environmental ethics.
Source: /
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is an initiative of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela aimed at active participation of the community in building a new development model that is based on the recovery, conservation and sustainable use of forests to improve their quality of life. VISION
Building in Venezuelan environmental awareness about the importance of forests, ecological balance and recovery of degraded areas due to the dominant development model, particularly those living in rural areas, with the aim of promote a new environmental ethic and improve their quality of life.
MISSION To contribute to the active participation of communities, conservationists and committees organized in cooperatives for the construction of a new development model that is based on the recovery, conservation and sustainable use of forests to improve their quality of life.
OBJECTIVES • Contribute to the restoration and maintenance of forests throughout the country through reforestation for protective purposes, and commercial-industrial agroforestry as a strategy for integrated management and sustainable use of river basins.
• Integrate in reforestation efforts being made by different organizations with the active participation of communities to achieve the breakthrough on the conservation of plant cover in the country. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES
• Promote sustainable use of forests.
• Increasing forest area and restore the landscape.
• Conserving biodiversity.
• Ensure water production.
• Promote agroforestry systems.
• Promote new environmental ethics.
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Average Life Expectancy Copd
This is the logo which indicates they are more energy-efficient appliances and better performance.
When purchasing office equipment with this label, we are contributing to improving our environment.
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Why Are Ankles Swollen And Excessive Achochol
What can we do? Welcome
These are some simple things we can do to regulate and reduce our emissions CO2.
• See "An Inconvenient Truth."
• Change regular light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs.
• Recycle (paper, plastic, glass).
• Educate and disseminate information to family, friends and community.
• Turn off lights that you are not using.
• Plant a tree and if you can a lot better.
• Lower the thermostat 2 degrees in winter and increases 2 degrees in summer.
• Clean or replace furnace filters and air conditioning.
• When buying new appliances, buy the energy saving (which carry the ENERGY STAR label.)
• Use less hot water.
• Use a clothesline instead of the dryer.
• Turn off electrical appliances that you are not using.
• Unplug appliances.
• Buy recycled paper products.
• Walk, ride a bike, carpool or use public transportation to move.
• Keep your car in good condition as are the tires inflated.
• Promote the shift to renewable energies (solar, wind).
• Protects and preserves the flora and fauna.
To learn more, click on Links (in English or English) and there you will find more of what you want.
These are some simple things we can do to regulate and reduce our emissions CO2.
• See "An Inconvenient Truth."
• Change regular light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs.
• Recycle (paper, plastic, glass).
• Educate and disseminate information to family, friends and community.
• Turn off lights that you are not using.
• Plant a tree and if you can a lot better.
• Lower the thermostat 2 degrees in winter and increases 2 degrees in summer.
• Clean or replace furnace filters and air conditioning.
• When buying new appliances, buy the energy saving (which carry the ENERGY STAR label.)
• Use less hot water.
• Use a clothesline instead of the dryer.
• Turn off electrical appliances that you are not using.
• Unplug appliances.
• Buy recycled paper products.
• Walk, ride a bike, carpool or use public transportation to move.
• Keep your car in good condition as are the tires inflated.
• Promote the shift to renewable energies (solar, wind).
• Protects and preserves the flora and fauna.
To learn more, click on Links (in English or English) and there you will find more of what you want.
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