Friday, November 26, 2010

What Do I Write On A Wedding Card

few days ago I corresponded with a follower of the blog I wanted to dig a little More on this in the retro style and vintage editions. Without much time to devote to it, I referred directly to the old tutorials and actions of this blog and would like to leave here, especially her and in general all / as you / as a tutorial more about how to get this effect. In the end, many roads lead to Rome and this is just one more.
I hope that you find useful and most importantly, you enjoy
To begin, it is important to know that the final outcome of this issue involved two textures you already know:

and gold

insomnia. At the end of the tutorial, I will tell you how I have used.
Let's take a look at the left frame camera and developed with ACR:
At first glance, as you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe differences between the two frames. We will shut down and age the color and contrast and soften the cold light providing it a warmer tone.
Our first step is to create an adjustment layer hue and saturation
and desaturate all colors with a value of -50.

Now, optimize brightness and contrast of the picture by attaching all the layers into a new command using CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + E and merge this layer mode to soft light
50% opacity.

In this same layer you just created will double click with the mouse / pen and open a window
layer style. We will select the box color overlay

observe that the image is covered by a layer of gray. In the layers palette, see the changes we have implemented and will again double-click the icon overlay color effects (1). Reopen another layer style window. It will click color (2) and open the color picker where the pantone look 4535EC or any other warm tone you like for your photography. Always keep in mind, here we are editing a specific example that you should guide you to your instinct and criteria to qualify when your own work.

Once selected press OK on the color picker window (3) and back into the layer style, vary the opacity of this layer of color at between 30 and 50%. To mitigate the contrast of the picture trying to emulate the effect of the passage of time, I'll melt dejarel normal way, but know that you can experiment with other layer blending modes to find just the display that tab.
now, and ending now with this first part of the issue, we will give a final touch of color by adding a adjustment layer
color balance. Modify the values \u200b\u200bat -20 Yellow-Blue for the midtones, always keeping the box checked to preserve luminosity.

Well, with this I'm done with the first part of this issue. At this point we know as aging and give warmth to the colors of a picture, and this is the resulting action that you can download by clicking on the image.

To speed up the process, we will apply this action to the two textures we use to finish this year giving a touch of photo paper / canvas and the typical scratches own and wear an old photograph.
To do this, I used two of my textures:
gold and scrawled

insomnia. I pass the warm vintage action and resized to the same size of my photography. Once done, I'll drag these two textures on my photography as well:

First Gold: multiply and 40% opacity. Second
Insombia scrawled: plot and 50% opacity.
This would result

Remember to give more emphasis on vintage effects, an interesting resource may be to smooth the edges of your photographs. I do it with rounded edges

Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Make The Bohr Diagram

50x50 rights (Articles 270 et seq. Penal Code)


Monday, November 8, 2010

Should I Tan Before Eyebrow Waxing

30x20 intellectual property owners. The infringement of these rights may constitute an offense against intellectual property (arts. 270 et seq. Penal Code)
